Bypass Bifold Shutters For Destin Sliding Glass Doors
Sliding doors in Destin are the perfect partner for interior shutters. Shutters protect your privacy, maintain your view, don’t sway like blinds or shades, and may even last longer than the sliding door itself. If you’ve already decided on sliding door shutters, the only other choice to make is what kind of shutters would look best with the sliding glass doors in your space.
Bypass Shutters For Sliding In Destin
The more common of the two sliding glass door shutter options is bypass shutters. In this setup, two shutter panels slide on a track mounted above the door. The shutters are offset so one-panel slides in front of the other for access to the door. Or if the sliding door has room to the side, the track can extend beyond the door to allow the shutter panel to completely slide away from the door.
Bi-fold Shutters For Sliding Glass Doors In Destin
As the name implies, bifold shutters for sliding glass doors are ones that fold. Instead of two big, solid shutter panels that slide back and forth on a track, bifold shutters are separated into smaller panels that fold inward, clearing the view in front of your sliding glass door.
Sliding Door Shutter FAQs
Will I lose any functionality out of my sliding glass door if I install shutters?
Not at all. We’ll make sure your sliding doors retain their functionality and full range of motion by building a set of shutters that seamlessly fits your door frame.
How do I measure for sliding door shutters?
Measuring your sliding patio door for plantation shutters is pretty simple. These are typically the measurements you’ll want to get:
The height from the floor to the top of the door casing (or top of the jamb if there’s no casing).
The width of the jamb of the door.
The length and width of the sliding glass panes.
But don’t fret if you don’t want to measure; your installation team will be happy to measure your sliding door for you free of charge during an in-home consultation.
How much room do I need around a sliding glass door to install shutters?
With the amount of customization we have over our different shutter builds, we’re able to build you a set of shutters to fit your sliding door, regardless of how much space you have above or around it.
How Are Sliding Shutters Built?
We start by measuring the dimensions of each segment of your glass door. We also note how much space there is next to the doors. This helps us figure out if we should use a bypass or bifold configuration. Next, we return to our shop and order the hand-built plantation shutters to fit those configurations. Taking advantage of advanced software and customized design templates based on your doors, we design and build the sliding glass door shutters with the finishes and colors you choose.
Our expert installers put up the sliding shutters on your sliding glass doors, making sure the louvers can open and also that the panels are mobile. This gives you a better view and easier cleaning.